Remote Desktop Connection Client 2.1.1 For Mac
Posted By admin On 09.12.18Microsoft Remote Deskop is an effective free tool for managing remote-desktop connections from a Mac. Perfect for those who travel frequently, or those who have a Mac/PC environment at work that. Remote Desktop Connection 2.1.1 - Connect to Windows machines. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate Download, install, or update Remote Desktop Connection for Mac from MacUpdate. Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac Support for RDP 7.1 I have several users who are running Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac (version 2.1.1) who can no longer access Remote Desktop Services because the client doesnt support RDP 7.1. Microsoft Remote Desktop is one of the best remote desktop clients out there in the market. It now has a Mac version available as well. The Mac version helps users to connect their PC to their Mac and work seamlessly across the machines.
After a year of being in public beta, Microsoft on Tuesday released. Remote Desktop Connection 2 includes multiple session support, allowing users to connect to multiple computers at the same time.

Remote Desktop Connection Client 2.1 1 For Mac From Microsoft Versions 2.0
RDC also gives users the ability to print from Windows applications to any printer that can be configured from your Mac. With a new user interface, Microsoft says RDC 2 gives users a more Mac-like experience. You can now create your own keyboard shortcuts and change preferences during active sessions.
There were over 750,000 downloads of the various betas, the company said. About 500 feedback messages were submitted to Microsoft with 30 percent representing new unique bugs that were fixed.
From Microsoft’s Web site for free.
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