One Drive Sync Client For Mac
Posted By admin On 20.01.19Deploy and configure the new OneDrive sync client for Mac.; 4 minutes to read Contributors. In this article. This article is for IT administrators managing OneDrive for Business settings in work or school environments.
Onedrive Client For Mac

Share on Facebook Tweet this Share Microsoft has detailed its recent update to the OneDrive desktop sync client for Mac and Windows. Users don’t have to do anything to receive the update, it should be applied automatically if you already have the latest version of the sync client installed on your computer. The biggest addition is the activity center, a control panel that offers status updates on any sync processes that are currently in progress, as well as details of any recent activity. The activity center is accessible via the OneDrive icon in the system tray on Windows, and via the Finder icon on MacOS. Users can now sync SharePoint sites to their OneDrive, making it easy to access them across a wide variety of devices. This functionality is still being perfected as part of a public preview as of the latest update to the OneDrive desktop sync client, but Microsoft hopes to make it widely available in January. The update also makes it easier to decide exactly which systems your OneDrive will sync with.
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